Let’s come to Gather
Visit and meet us in the virtual festival space of Gather Town. Share your film tips and viewing experiences with festival guests and friends.
The cinemas are closed. To make sure you can still meet us and we can meet you, we've got ourselves all set up on the brand new GATHER.TOWN platform!
GATHER is based on uncomplicated video chat communication in a retro video game environment. No login, no registration - simply turn on the camera and microphone and you are ready to go.
When you enter our Gather room, you agree to the privacy policy of Gather.
We invite you to our virtual festival space on the following dates:
- Friday, November 13, 8 PM and 10 PM
- Tuesday, November 17, 6 - 7 PM
- Thursday, November 19, 6 - 7 PM
- Saturday, November 21, 5 - 7 PM
If you have any questions about our GATHER room, please contact Robin Laumeyer.
Please note:
When you enter our Gather room, you agree to the privacy policy of Gather.
We recommend that you preferably log in with your laptop or PC.
During our events we can accommodate up to 25 people at a time in our Gather room.
If you want to know what you are getting into, we can recommend a look at the demo of GATHER.