Spring Breakers

Spring Breakers

Director: Harmony Korine
Country: USA

2012 | 94 min. | English
Subtitles: German

Cast_ Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez, Ashley Benson, Rachel Korine, James Franco Screenplay_ Harmony Korine Camera_ Benoît Debie Producer_ Chris Hanley, Jordan Gertner, David Zander, Charles-Marie Anthonioz Rights_ Central Film Verleih GmbH

Cult film, exploitation and insanely clever critique of the media: Harmony Korine’s most successful film owes much to Benoît Debie’s camerawork.

Disney star Selena Gomez plays a charming and deeply religious student who is talked into partying at the one true spring break, in the pool and on the beach, intoxicated and showing lots and lots of skin. She doesn’t know that her friends robbed a restaurant in order to get the money for their Florida vacation. Soon they all wind up in jail, until a shady gangster (James Franco) posts bail for them. “Just pretend it’s a video game or a film.” In bombastic style, director Korine and cinematographer Debie infiltrate the aesthetic of parties and violence held by US youth.


Harmony Korine, born in California in 1973, is an author, artist, skateboarder, actor, screenwriter, and director. His directorial works, often set in white lower-class milieus, are famous for their controversial themes and experimental techniques. His collaborations with Benoît Debie include ›The Beach Bum‹.


  • Saturday 26.11.202218:30with GuestsHeidelbergHDLuxor (Crown)
  • Sunday 27.11.202222:00with GuestsMannheimMAStadthaus N1